Spend & Grow

Coffee and Espresso Single Serve

The Keurig(K-cups) universe versus the Nespresso universe, which to choose? Or just do it yourself?

The K-cup universe of single-serve coffee products

Keurig is the current leader in convenience, variety and cost. There are many off-brand Keurig imposters. The market is flooded with single-serve coffee products compatible with the Keurig universe.
There are a great variety of coffee pods(K-cups). This allows you to buy on various metrics: price, brand and quantity. Pod prices can start at 26 cents each with most around 50 cents and are available from various suppliers and manufactuers in package sized from 24 to 100 easily available.
The machines themselves start at around $40, with the higher end machines priced at around $200

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Nespresso universe of espresso products

Nespresso has created a niche in the market as they have specialized with espresso type coffee. Coffee that is more concentrated and some believe better. Though a matter of taste, it is rather simple to turn a cup of espresso into a decent tasting cup of coffee (add water) when compared to turning a cup of coffee into espresso.
The Nespresso universe is locked around Nespresso with very few off-brand products being offered. This results is better quality control but at a cost.
You can find deals for machine starting at about $120 going up to over $400. The pods are more expensive as well. Off-brand pods can be found for about 32 cents with branded pods starting at about 40 cents. Be careful when purchasing your pods as there can be compatibility issuses even amongst the Nespresso branded products.
There are two lines of Nespresso makers. The original line is designed around make espresso and the newer Vertuo which allows for different sized coffee. The Vertuo line is still under patent so everything around it is going to be priced higher.

Which to choose?

It all comes down to crema. If the drinker wants espresso based drinks and can tell the difference, Nespresso is the way to go. If your just looking for quick coffee get your K-cup. If the drinker wants options, likes the idea of spending more time on making their beverages and fancies themselves a future barista, then skip those universes and get a hands on machine.
There are two lines of Nespresso makers. The original line is designed around make espresso and the newer Vertuo which allows for different sized coffee. The Vertuo line is still under patent so everything around it is going to be priced higher.

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*Please note all prices are as of the review and may not reflect the current price.